Thursday 10 May 2012


When they prescribe it, be aware -

and contradict them, if you dare.

They'll represent this drug as great.

Efexor makes you put on weight.

They'll put it down to myths and lies.

They'll claim you eat too many pies.

Before long, fat will be your fate.

Efexor makes you put on weight.

"The newer drugs are not so bad."

I fell for that one. I was had.

Say, "No," before it gets too late.

Efexor makes you put on weight.

Insist on Prozac. Maybe then,

you will remain size eight or ten.

Although they make the drug sound great,

Efexor makes you put on weight.

At first you might feel better, true.

Yet, would the Evans range be you?

It's crap: Efexor is not great.

Efexor makes you put on weight.

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